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Be Confident: A Pocket Guide to Killing Doubt and Building Conviction by Rocky Garza
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Rocky Garza has spent the last six years bringing clarity to identity because he wants the freedom to live vulnerably every day, and in his work, he challenges others to do the same. In this debut pocket guide, Rocky helps readers trace their doubt-filled stories back to the ‘root. Because it’s only when we dig up the lies we’ve believed for too long that we find a firm foundation. That’s when you build conviction.
You deserve to be confident. It’s time to push through temporary discomfort to get to the freedom of living into who you were always designed to be. It’s time to put doubt to death and build deep convictions. Are you ready to start digging?
(Paperback | 92 pages)
23 in stock
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Be Confident: A Pocket Guide to Killing Doubt and Building Conviction by Rocky Garza
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